Your New Church Home

In large churches, you may get lost in the crowd. In small churches, making a big impact in your community seems impossible. Greenville UMC is the perfect size in between. We are small enough that everyone knows your name, and close relationships with your pastor and church family are possible. But we are also big enough for God to use us to transform our community, connected through our global denomination, to reach the world in mission.


Put Faith into Action

We don’t just talk about showing God’s love to the world; we live it! There are opportunities every week to use your gifts to serve. During the school year, we pack food bags every week for local elementary school students. We run a needs closet for students in middle and high school. We receive donations from a retail distribution center that are given to other churches, local missions and ministries. Events like our Back-to-School Giveaway and Breakfast with Santa allow us to show God’s grace to our community. Regardless of your gifts, we can offer you a place to serve.


Greenville Church Staff

Pastor: Rev. Eileen Gilmer

Music Director: Dolores Howdyshell